Thursday, February 13, 2014

Polaroids, Dandelions, and The Beatles

All of the pictures I used for the heart shape of polaroids was from the first six months Jason and I were together. It's so funny to see how we've grown up together over the past (almost) six years. I used to have platinum blonde hair, and he had long hair with mutton chops. The picture that is in the very center is, and always will be most dear to me. It is of Jason bending over to pick the most beautiful, and biggest dandelion I had ever seen, on our first trip together in Flagstaff, Arizona. I wanted a tangible reminder of the first time I knew that I cared deeply for him. On the drive home later that evening I was lying down in the backseat while he was talking to our friend Jordan, and "Something" by The Beatles came on the radio. It was the first time I had ever heard that song. It was then I knew I was in love, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

♥ Did you decorate for Valentine's Day? Do you have any special plans?


  1. This is so beautiful! So romantic, moving, just all around wonderful! I love that you kept these pictures and put them in the shape of a heart! Also, your home look cozy and inviting!
    Sincerely, Sara

  2. Know you two will have a very special day tomorrow for Valentine's Day! Love you loads!

    1. We had a really special Valentine's Day! Thank you. Love you too. :)
