Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hello, 2016

Hello, 2016!

This is my first post for the new year! It's hard to believe that this is the year that our little baby boy, Phoenix Jason George, will be born. I am just about 31 weeks pregnant, and his kicks make me giddy and happy every single day. Jason and I are so excited to see his face, hold him close, and show him the world together. I try to set goals for myself often, so here is a list of my 2016 resolutions:

1. Have a happy, healthy remainder of the pregnancy. I just want to have a peaceful and present birth, and I know it is going to be such a wonderful experience for Jason and I to go through together.

2. Crochet a stuffed animal from a book I just ordered off of amazon called Edward's Menagerie by Kerry Lord. I love to knit, but I have never crocheted anything before. Hopefully this weekend I will make a trip to our art supply store and pick up what I need.

3. Start a portfolio website for all of my artwork. The only problem is the lighting in our apartment isn't the best, so it's hard to get good photographs of my work. There is a camera store nearby, so I might pop in to talk to some people in person about how to take better indoor photography.

4. Visit Yosemite. We live about 3 hours away, so it's not that long of a drive for us.

5. Go to a new museum a month, and continue even after Phoenix is born. It is so important to me to stay connected with art and never lose my longing for inspiration from new environments.

6. I have always wanted to get a facial, and there is a wellness center called Bloom Retreat that is within walking distance from our apartment. 

7. Try a meditation class at Just Be Yoga.

8. It would be great to learn some nursery rhymes on the ukulele to play for Phoenix. I don't have any specific songs in mind, but it would be great to incorporate playing music into our daily routine.

9. My parents bought us a Vitamix for Christmas, so I finally want to make the clementine cake recipe from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Sarah from Chalk White Arrow put the one she tried on her blog.

10. Paint as often as possible, and make time for it no matter what new and exciting things are going on in our lives.

What are some of your new year's resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. Phoenix is the coolest name ever!! These are fantastic goals! My friend has one of those white photography boxes (can't think of the word), but she loves it. She has two lamps that she uses to get light and the white helps to reflect the light. Maybe one of those would work? They're not that big and since they're made of fabric they can be folded. My two goals are to write my two novels and to find an expertise I enjoy!
