Thursday, January 24, 2013

Californ-i-a & One Great Weekend

Hi lovelies! Since we had an extra-long weekend because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jason and I went to visit my brother Michael, in Los Angeles, California. We are really lucky to be able to visit just an amazing place so often. It wasn't sad leaving this time because we knew we are coming back for President's Day, which is only three weeks away. Most of our weekend was spent exploring the city, hitting up our favorite coffee houses, and doing a little shopping.
We are a little completely obsessed with Modern Family. Cam is my favorite, so here we are in front of Mitchell & Cam's house. Nerd alert!

Rolling Greens is the most beautiful place in LA. Any plant you could ever dream of is right there in the city.

Orchids are my favorite.


I had my first french macaroon!

I dream of this juice when I get home. I've tried to recreate it...not possible.

    +++what came home with us+++
This succulent made it all the way home to Phoenix.

I love this pot because it reminds me of a honeycomb.

I put my candle behind it so you could see it says, "Bonne Nuit" which means: goodnight in French.

This carafe is so much more fun than a water bottle on my bedside.

My new Tory Burch iPhone case. It was on sale *yay*

♥ What have you been up to lately? Do you have your next adventure planned?


  1. Those Macaroons look so delish! And love that carafe, that's a great idea instead of a water bottle!! Cute!

    She Xx

    1. They were! I got a coffee flavored one, and Jason got a coconut flavored one. Coconut won hands down :)

  2. It looks like you had so much fun! OMG I love french macarons! So amazing! That dog is such a cutie!

    1. She's my brother's dog, and her name is Lola. You can't help but love her :)
