Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cinco Things + Chalkboard Paint

Phoenix Botanical Gardens on my birthday {April 2012}

{Currently enjoying} Working on a Shutterfly book that has all of the photos from our Honeymoon. We got a free book from David's Bridal {where I bought my wedding dress}. It's really fun to do, and it's way better than just having photos in an album, because you can get creative.
{Planning to buy} I have a list of craft supplies. Thank goodness Michael's always has a printable coupon on their site.
{Wanting to drink} Iced coffee! It's all I ever want in the summertime. Just a tip: we buy Starbucks coffee in the bag to make at home, and when the bag is done we take it into the store and they will give you a FREE Tall coffee {iced/hot} or tea {iced/hot}. It's a great deal, and I'm a thrifty gal.
{Currently reading} I just wrote about this, so I'm going to mix it up. Books that I have in my Amazon cart: Domino, and The Happiness Project.
{Goal for the week} A couple months ago Jason and I built a cat tree, and our cat {Farrah} tore through the carpet. My goal is to replace it with some new rope. Also, there are a few projects that I'm working on that I want to complete.

I got this idea from {Tea Talk}. I've been following her blog for a couple weeks, and it's a really fun read :) If you want to give this a go leave me the link and I would love to read it.

{Progress Chalkboard Paint Backsplash}

We finished the 3rd coat of paint last night. We have to wait 3 days to chalk the whole thing {so it will erase properly} and then we can actually use it! After that, to make it more unique we are going to buy + cut + paint some wood to do a custom frame for it. I will post more photos when it's all done :) We used a coat of KILZ 2 Latex Primer, 3 coats of Rust-Oleum Chalk Board Black Finish paint, and a little foam roller to get it smooth. Everything was from Home Depot.




  1. That's so cool! I love what you did in your kitchen! ~Sara

  2. Aw, thank you :] Chalkboard paint is fun. I just can't wait to use it!

  3. Love the chalkboard paint! Changed the whole look of your kitchen! Have you seen Elsie chalkboard kitchen from the A Beautiful Mess blog? Love it!

  4. Thank you! I just looked at it after I read your post. They had a cute idea putting it on the cabinets :)

  5. Glad you checked it out, awesome blog! Love her! Quick question since you are also a new blogger, but apparently far more superior in blog design... How did you get title bars? You know your section home, about, wedding, etc..?

  6. You're so sweet :) So, the process is different depending on what you're trying to do. To get the tabs at the top of your blog you go to "Design", then "Layout", make sure you have the "Pages" gaget under your "Title", then you can edit your tabs in the "Pages" section. To create a stand-alone page {like my "About" page}, once in the "Pages" section click "New Page" and select "Blank Page". Then you can design the page to look just how you want it to. But if you want to label your posts and have them go to a specific page {like my "Little Adventures" page for example} its a little trickier. You go to the "Pages" section the same as before, but when you click "New Page" you need to select "Web Address". Then the web address has to look like this --> http://yourblognamehere.blogspot.com/search/label/yourtabname for example, my link to Little Adventures would look like this --> http://starryeyescoffeecups.blogspot.com/search/label/Little%20Adventures {note: the "%20" is necessary when there is a space between words in your tab name} Once the page is set up, when you are making a new post, on the right hand side under "Post Settings" there is a section called "Labels". Add the tab name that you want the post to go to and you're good to go! :)

  7. Oh my gosh I sure didn't mean to have to put you through all that but I do really appreciate it !!!! :)

  8. oh beloved chalk board paint! i would put that suff on our cats if they would hold still long enough!

    1. Haha!! I know what you mean, it's such a cool product :) Thank you for stopping by. I loved your blog! Do you want to follow each other?
